Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tribute to my puppy.

Go Cowboys!

These are out of order, but I'm too lazy to fix them right now.

Lets start out with drunk crazy guy. He wouldn't shut up.




Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wilson Homecoming 2008 "Hunt the Leopards"

This past week was full of festivities for Homecoming. Tuesday, school was released at 1:00 to prepare for the Homecoming Parade and Bon Fire. I organized and decorated the Junior High float. To go along with the theme, we decorated the truck with camo burlap. I was dressed like I came straight out of a safari, and all of my junior high kids were different kinds of animals. It was pretty cute. Too bad I don't have any pictures of it.

Program cover (We were supposed to play PCA and "Hunt the Eagles" but they cancelled on us in the middle of the week!)

Bon Fire

Wilson Volunteer Fire Dept.

Lakyn (Coach Sandlin's 4-year-old)
Lakyn at the game. She keeps us entertained.

Wilson HS and JH Cheerleaders

Wilson Mustangs in action

2008 Homecoming court

AND we WON!!!!!!!! Go Mustangs!!!!!!!!!